July 17, 2024 (Trip 1)

We had Bill and the gang out this morning for a mixed bag. They caught 3 nice bass, then put some sea bass in the box for the grill tonight. Thanks guys!

July 16, 2024

We had the pleasure of having Ed out today for his annual trip. The bass fishing was on the slower side, we managed a few nice ones. Then switched over to bottom fishing, which resulted in a limit of sea bass, and a bonus fluke.

July 15, 2024

We had Jim and his crew out today for some solid fishing. They had some big bass first thing, we didn’t have any in the slot size today. Next up, they caught a limit of jumbo sea bass for the grill. Not a bad way to start the day.

July 14, 2024

The striped bass were extra picky today and Jamie and the boys had to have patience and work hard to get them to the boat. The highlight of the trip was a total bass blitz with fish busting all along the surface. We realized shortly after it started that it was probably the result of hungry shark in the area. One of our striped bass came up bitten in half. Overall, we didn’t have the action we were hoping for. But, I suppose the name of the game is fishing. And we did manage a few slobs for the photo ops!

July 13, 2024

After postponing Carlos’ trip earlier this week due to weather, we got him and his crew out today. Although the winds were much calmer, the rain was relentless and it was a wet trip from start until stop. But that didn’t stop the group. We started off putting a dozen or so sea bass on the boat, and wrapped up doing some striped bass fishing. The bass were all overs, so none for the box. But still some great photos.

July 12, 2024

Just back from his Ireland vacation and ready to celebrate his birthday, Pete Wagenhauser and his gang spent the day with us. We took the boys looking for striped bass and landed at least 2 dozen fish. Most were huge and made for some great photos only. But the boys managed 3 that were just the right size. Couldn’t have asked for a better trip!

July 9, 2024 (Trip 2)

The bass were chewing for Nicolle and her crew this afternoon. We had 20-25 fish up to 45 pounds on jigs. Lots of laughs and great memories today.

July 9, 2024 (Trip 1)

Today was about as foggy as it gets, but that didn’t stop the Kern team. We caught plenty of striped bass, all were over the slot size. We went bottom fishing for a bit, and sent them home with plenty of fillets.

Sailing From

Westlake Marina
352 West Lake Drive
Montauk, NY 11954

Booking & Queries

[email protected]
(646) 423-8806
(646) 335-7315 
© 2025. November Rain Charters